Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Usborne Encyclopedia of the Roman World

The Usborne Encyclopedia of the Roman World is exactly what the title states. This text is chock-full of informative illustrations and accompanying text. It could easily be read straight through or studied for just one section. The book is organized to follow the chronological history of Rome. Anachronistic phenomena such as gladiators or slavery are placed into a general category called "Everyday Life." This book provides wonderful summaries for big ideas like the Roman Republic or the Roman Empire while offering enough details to be informative.

Although many 6th graders might not read through the text chronologically, it makes for easy browsing. Students are able to look at a two page section and read a comprehensive summary of a portion of Roman history. The illustrations and easy to read text make it a prime candidate for a pleasure read for students.

Potential Lesson Plan:

Standard: Standard 6-2, Indicator 6-2.4

Objective: The student will investigate the impact of the Roman Empire and create a graphic organizer to illustrate what they learn.

Materials: Posters, Markers, copies of the text, rulers, and pencils.

Outline: Students will read "The Legacy of Rome" and "More About the Empire." After reading these two sections, students will synthesize the information by creating a "Before and After the Romans Chart." This chart will detail not only cultural contributions, but also how the world was different during the Roman Empire.

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